In May 2015, we assessed 350 first years students on their clinical communication skills. We designed and built the ACE platform to flag students who may struggle on clinical placement.

We have over 900 bespoke educational videos in FHS. We built Phimeo to help manage the publication and sharing of these resources within the Faculty and externally.

Our of our favorite apps is XL. We scrape the data from Excel worksheets, automate originality checks and employ mass marking. We successfully reduced marking house from 120 (10 tutors) to 20 (1 tutor). We also provided corrective feedback on every single error made by students.

CAPTain picked up an award at the Reimagine Education Conference in 2015. Students complete the online CAPE-V form and immedaitely see their submission compared to experts. Students may also see their peers submissions. We have over 6,000 submissions from 140 students in a two week period, which led to an increase in final year exams by 15%.

I also REALLY love data visualisations and gifs.

Made by Tim HolmanSource & Instructions