So playing around with Chartjs for an upcoming project in work, I found an incredible tutorial on bubble charts in D3.
The comments on the tutorial are probably more insightful than the tutorial itself. Mainly, as people are sharing spin-off projects: NYC Budgets and Student Lotto.
Ideally, I’d like the circle radius size dependent on a percentage rather than a number. For now though, I have the spike working on localhost and on my very own ngrok site.
Checkout for more information on demoing without deploying.
In other news, my git commits are down as I’ve been working on stuff for work. I’m committing, just not pushing as I’ve not yet got a private repo on Github.
My last few commits were in making my first Angular App. Pretty nifty five-part tutorial to get you going.
Next up? I’m going to give Meteor a go. Stay tuned.