Chartjs & Bower

I’ve been dabbling with Chartjs for an upcoming project in work.

I was going to use a bootstrap admin template to display the charts and I spent a bit of time reading about bower install. I got it all setup with Rails, all thanks to this handy blog post. But…

…the asset pipline killed my dreams!!! No time to go looking into this further at the moment, however may be the answer.

I’ve been keeping up with my Mackenzie Child’s 12-in-12 Challenge and to date have finished:

  • a blog
  • a forum
  • a pinterest clone
  • a reddit clone
  • a jobs board
  • a recipe box
  • a wiki
  • a workout log

I really like the high repetition of churning out a bit of Ruby in rails, so I highly recommend these tutorials to anyone who wants to keep coding.